Chums Wallets: Now with RFID-Blocking Cards

Chums Wallets: Now with RFID-Blocking Cards

It’s no secret: Chums wallets are awesome. They’re slim, they’re durable, they’re eye-catching, and they’re affordable. But going into 2024, we had to ask ourselves: what can we do to make our wallets even awesomer? Well, we’ve found the answer: our best-selling wallets now include RFID-blocking cards - at no additional cost. Same great wallets, same great prices, now with the added security of RFID-blocking capability. Now, some of you may be asking yourselves: “What is RFID, and why do I need to block it?” Fear not, friends, for we have the answers you seek. Keep reading to learn more.



Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the technology in your credit cards that allows you to make contactless payments at your favorite stores. Take a credit card out of your wallet right now and give it a look - it probably has a little radio wave signal with four lines on it, right? That means your card, like almost every credit card issued these days, has RFID technology built into it. RFID-enabled credit cards contain a tiny chip that communicates with card readers via radio waves. Think about all the times you’ve picked up groceries or gone for coffee and tapped your card on the card reader instead of inserting or swiping it - this is the magic (and convenience) of RFID-enabled credit cards.



While the convenience of contactless payments is undeniable, it comes with some security concerns. If credit card readers at stores can obtain your financial and personal info without any contact being made, so can a tech-savvy thief equipped with the proper gadgets and gizmos. RFID-enabled credit cards, if not adequately protected (by something such as an RFID-blocking card in your wallet), can be susceptible to unauthorized scanning and data theft, even in seemingly innocuous situations, such as standing in line at the grocery store or waiting for a flight at the airport. Cybercriminals armed with RFID scanners can potentially skim your credit card numbers and expiration dates simply by standing near you - no physical contact required. RFID technology is convenient, but it also means pickpockets no longer have to pick your pocket to obtain your credit card info.


Image shows Chums wallets with RFID-Blocking cards being passed from the hand of one person to another



Given the potential risks associated with carrying RFID-enabled credit cards, consumers are increasingly seeking wallets with RFID-blocking capabilities. The RFID-blocking cards that are now included in most Chums wallets create an invisible protective barrier between your credit cards and the bad guys who may be lurking out there, preventing radio waves from accessing the sensitive data stored in your cards. It's an extra layer of security that can keep your personal information secure and ruin an electronic pickpocket’s day.



At Chums, we’ve been helping you hang on to your gear with stylish, durable products since 1983, so when we found a “no brainer” way to add a level of security to our line of adventure-ready wallets, we went for it. (And at no additional cost to you, the customer. Not too shabby, if we do say so ourselves.) Since almost all of our wallets now include RFID-blocking cards, you can rest easy knowing that your personal info will be that much safer, whether you’re hanging with friends at your the brewery, riding the subway, or exploring the next country on your travel bucket list.

By now, you may be wondering: how do I use this RFID-blocking card that came with my awesome new Chums wallet? Well, it’s pretty darn simple. Once you get your hands on one of our latest wallets, look for the booby bird Utah driver’s license that says “RFID BLOCKING” in red letters at the top. Keep this nifty (and rather hilarious) little card in any pocket or slot in your wallet (the closer to your credit cards, the better) and, just like that, your credit cards are now far safer and more secure from contactless data theft than they would be in a wallet without any RFID-blocking capabilities. Pretty easy, right?

We understand that a wallet can be a lot of things: a fashion statement, a utilitarian necessity, a daily companion that never leaves your side, and a private vault of your personal and financial information. With the addition of RFID-blocking cards to our most popular wallet styles, we’re proud to now offer increased security and peace of mind that you can carry with you every day.

Image shows 3 Chums Surfshorts Wallets with RFID-Blocking cards peaking out 


Innovative RFID-Blocking Cards

Chums’ best-selling wallets are now equipped with RFID-blocking cards, providing a shield against unauthorized scans and helping to keep your personal information where it belongs: securely within your wallet.

Stylish and Functional Designs

Chums wallets are not just about security; they also tick all the boxes when it comes to style and function. Our sleek, versatile designs are built for folks who demand good looks and practicality from their wallets, with zero compromises.


Durable Construction

Crafted from high-quality materials, Chums wallets are made to withstand the test of time. Whether you're a city slicker, a weekend warrior, or you live in a van down by the river, our wallets are designed to be your reliable companion through any adventure.