This year, give gifts that give back!

Now through 11/30, we're offering 10% off our entire store and donating 20% of all sales to conservation.


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WHO we are supporting

Learn more about the 3 amazing conservation groups we've partnered with.

Coastal Conservation Association

The Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) was created in 1977 after drastic commercial overfishing had decimated redfish and speckled trout populations. A group of 14 concerned anglers gathered and created CCA. CCA has proven time and again that anglers are the best stewards of the marine environment. They work to protect not only the health, habitat and sustainability of our marine resources but also the interests of recreational anglers and their access to the resources they cherish. With a growing, well-informed, active membership, CCA continues the mission launched by those 14 visionary anglers so many years ago.

If you’ve ever been or dreamt of fishing on the Gulf Coast, you know how important it is to respect the fish and their environment. We appreciate you supporting these conservation efforts!

Wild Steelhead Coalition

The Wild Steelhead Coalition formed in 2000 by a group of Washington anglers deeply troubled by the loss of their beloved wild steelhead fisheries in the rivers of North Puget Sound. They set out to learn more about the causes of fishery collapse and dedicated themselves to reversing these terrible trends. Today their members live and work throughout Steelhead Country. The WSC works tirelessly to build partnerships among stakeholders, educate the public, and advocate for the science-based management required to restore wild steelhead populations to sustainable levels within their native watersheds.

As anglers, we could not think of a better group to support such a cornerstone species.

American Whitewater

American Whitewater's vision is that our nation’s remaining wild and free-flowing rivers stay that way, our developed rivers are restored to function and flourish, that the public has access to rivers for recreation, and that river enthusiasts are active and effective river advocates. Whitewater rivers face a range of threats from dams to water withdrawals to access closures. In pursuing river stewardship goals, American Whitewater aims to create the greatest possible impact for whitewater rivers and enthusiasts. Their conservation and restoration work is infused with recreational knowledge and enthusiasm, and their recreation work is driven by a deep conservation ethic.

Many whitewater enthusiasts do not realize the danger some of their favorite rivers face due to the threats of access removal and water restrictions. We’re thankful for the work of American Whitewater for helping protect these rivers.